Tullio Facchinetti

DEA - Dexterous Eye-guided Aiming [ENG]

2015-01-19 Mon by Tullio Facchinetti
Categories: article lang_en thesis article_en

Italian Version DEA is composed by a tracking device with two degrees of freedom, designed to orient a laser pointer on a moving target and to follow its trajectory by vision. Read more →


2015-01-01 Thu by Tullio Facchinetti
Categories: project lang_en

Period: 2015-2017 Type: Horizon 2020, No 644902 Website: http://www.lumentile-project.eu/ The objective of the LUMENTILE project is to turn the classical ceramic tile into a “multifunctional electronic luminous tile” realized by large area and organic electronics. Read more →

Air To Water

2013-01-01 Tue by Tullio Facchinetti
Categories: project lang_en

Period: 2013-2015 The goal of the project is to design a system to produce water from the air. The system is designed to fit into a standard container for easy of expedition. Read more →


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