Students and theses
2024-10-14 Mon by Tullio FacchinettiThe listed year refers to when the student got his/her Degree.
Some theses were written in Italian language; the English title is my free translation.
Some few works have been supervised in conjunction with colleagues.
Students and theses - English
2024-10-14 Mon by Tullio FacchinettiThe listed year refers to when the student got his/her Degree.
Some theses were written in Italian language; the English title is my free translation.
Some few works have been supervised in conjunction with colleagues.
Speed up the compilation of LaTex Beamer presentations
2023-02-24 Fri by Tullio FacchinettiThis is definitely stolen from this blog post from Tobias Brink.
Large LaTeX beamer presentations compile slowly, especially if there are a lot of images. While working on the slides, it can help to only compile some of them. In order to avoid commenting them out, you can simply use
Read more →Learn enough C to survive
2022-10-17 Mon by Tullio FacchinettiForewords and personal considerations
The considerations in his post have been inspired by this one on Code of Honor by Noah. Some text is taken from the original post verbatim.
With respect to the original post, I believe that a proper learning of the C language, backed by the necessary context about underlying concepts related on the functioning of the computer, such as CPU, registers, memory, addressing, etc., makes the C language a formidable tool for a “practical comprehension” of the matter.
Read more →Workflow for writing theses collaboratively
2022-08-29 Mon by Tullio FacchinettiIn the last few years I have been supervisor of tens of students (I keep an updated list here). In some periods I had to manage the concurrent writing of 5-6 theses. This huge parallel work called to develop a specific workflow to manage the collaborative writing of a thesis, which I find rather effective and that I will share in this article.
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