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Napkin turns your text into visuals so sharing your ideas is quick and effective.
The entrance repository of Markdown presentation ecosystem.
One of the first things that impressed me about Mac OS X when I first saw it was its screensaver. Instead of just showing a simple slideshow of your pictures, it actually used a ‘Ken Burns’ panning and zooming effect with a fancy fading transition to make the otherwise static pictures really come to life. It always sounded like a fun project to create a standalone tool to create slideshow movies that used this effect, with full control over where and how much pictures should be zoomed.
Docup is a single JavaScript file that fetches Markdown file and renders it as a beautiful one-page documentation.
Google's DeepMind has just released a new academic paper on AlphaZero -- the general purpose artificial intelligence system that mastered chess through self-play and went on to defeat the world champion of chess engines, Stockfish. In this video chess International Master Anna Rudolf takes a look at a never-before-seen game from a match played in January 2018, and discusses how the playing style and attacking chess of AlphaZero compare to computers and humans.
Impressive is a program that displays presentation slides. But unlike OpenOffice.org Impress or other similar applications, it does so with style. Smooth alpha-blended slide transitions are provided for the sake of eye candy, but in addition to this, Impressive offers some unique tools that are really useful for presentations.
Creating presentations for Impressive is very simple: You just need to export a PDF file from your presentation software. This means that you can create slides in the application of your choice and use Impressive for displaying them. If your application does not support PDF output, you can alternatively use a set of pre-rendered image files – or you use Impressive to make a slideshow with your favorite photos.
A ncurses Ruby program that allows to produce nice text-based presentation with simple markup language.
Da Propp a Campbell-Vogler, passando attraverso le 12 tappe, gli archetipi e i generi letterari.
Helping founders craft successful VC investment pitch decks. See how Uber, AirBnB, Facebook, Dropbox, WeWork, Square or Coinbase raised venture capital.
A video registration of a presentation at the Linux Fest NW.
Pretty ironic and funny.
Website for the Italian Workshop on Embedded Systems.
Several presentations are available online.
An Inkscape plugin that allows to organize a set of slides on top of Inkscape layers.
The plugin allows to export the slides as a pdf file composed by several pages, each one corresponding to one slide.
Leslie Lamport inventor of Paxos and developer of LaTeX introduces techniques and tools that help programmers think above the code level to determine what applications and services should do and ensure that they do it. Depending on the task, the appropriate tools can range from simple prose to formal, tool-checked models written in TLA+ or PlusCal
Pierre-Yves Chibon reports from PyCon 2015 Language Summit and conference.
SCHED_DEADLINE is a free real-time Linux scheduler. This demo shows a Linux PC driving, at the same time: - 2 ball-and-beams with different time granularitie...
Presentations, slides and information about the Go programming language.
Several presentations related to golang.
I'm generating a PDF document with pdflatex (more precisely, latexmk invoked from TexMaker 3.4. My LaTeX install is TeXLive 20120719). I can read the document fine in Okular and Gmail's attachment preview, but a colleague that runs Acrobat Reader on Windows reports: "There was a problem reading this document (131)".