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Hi, I am Noctie, a human-like digital chess AI! Play against me and I'll try to match your skill level and estimate your rating.
The truth about chess playing and intelligence.
Più che irriverente lo definirei forsennato e senza soluzione di continuità: ogni mossa di Kramnik è stata votata alla pressione :-)
A very funny reaction from Carlsen. Nice surprising move from GM Luis Paulo Supi.
Google's DeepMind has just released a new academic paper on AlphaZero -- the general purpose artificial intelligence system that mastered chess through self-play and went on to defeat the world champion of chess engines, Stockfish. In this video chess International Master Anna Rudolf takes a look at a never-before-seen game from a match played in January 2018, and discusses how the playing style and attacking chess of AlphaZero compare to computers and humans.
Generate images of chessboards with specific positions, share them around the web!
For chess to flourish, we need a new challenge. The increasing strength of chess engines, the millions of computer games and the volumes of opening theory available to every player are making top-level chess less imaginative. Decisive games in super-tournaments have declined, while the number of games...
Great opening!!
Carlini vs FM Mark The Duck
Amazing possible mate in the finale game.
Kung Fu Chess is an online, real-time chess game without turns. Use a combination of strategy and speed to defeat your opponent. Play against AI of increasing difficulty, your friends, or people online.
Kung Fu Chess, a real-time chess game.
Computers are taking the error out of human chess — and the adventure.
PyChess is a gtk chess client, originally developed for GNOME, but running well under all other linux desktops. (Which we know of, at least). PyChess is 100% python code, from the top of the UI to the bottom of the chess engine.
I programmed these to show some of the many chess variants, rather than to be strong opponents. I could have added longer look-aheads, but this would have caused delays and taken up too much memory. Other chess applets exist and are also weak. Some of these applets recognize draw by repetition / perpetual check. Others fail to do so; again this is to save space and loading time.
Homepage dedicated to my expanding family of chess engines: Jazz, Sjaak and Leonidas!
The internet's best chess database and community.