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The software engineering field has controversy over using whiteboard coding in interviews, versus candidates doing take-home coding assignments. This is a false dichotomy, the problem is bad interviews.
Welcome to the front page of Reactive Resume, a free and open-source Resume Builder web app that focuses on one thing, Privacy. And also few other important features such as minimalistic UI/UX, customizability, portability, regularly updated templates, etc. But the important thing is that, your personal data is yours alone.
The talk of the Nobel Prize Gerard Mourou regarding femto-second LASERs has been really nice.
It starts at time 56:17 and it is in English language.
We are living in a global knowledge economy. People who might never meet face-to-face are working together daily through the internet. Knowledge work is becoming more accessible for people everywhere in the world, and technology talent is no longer exclusive to Silicon Valley.
We created this guide to help more people join the internet economy, and gain flexibility and independence in their work life. This guide is based off of our experience originally as remote workers ourselves, and now as a 100% remote team. This encyclopedia is open source, and we hope that the whole remote community will contribute to make it better over time.
Whether you’re looking for a more flexible way to work as a maker, or to build an amazing remote team - this guide will help you get started, stay productive, and build a better future of work.
Can you spot a fake conference? It seems many researchers can’t. So here are 9 ways to spot a fake.
- The conference has an overly ambitious title
- The technical programme is broad. Very broad!
- The language on the conference website is… off
- Renowned organisations are sponsoring a low-profile conference
- The organisers’ contact details are missing, or aren’t quite right
- Another conference with a suspiciously similar name already exists
- The conference or its organisers have known associates
- The organisers are charging higher-than-normal fees
- The conference is unusually frequent
If you are looking to outsource software development, this guide is for you. This comprehensive 15 mins read will help you get an overall knowledge of every component related to outsourcing.
A Machine Learning System for Data Enrichment.
In a nutshell, it is a type of statistical model used for tagging abstract “topics” that occur in a collection of documents that best represents the information in them.
Many techniques are used to obtain topic models. This post aims to demonstrate the implementation of LDA: a widely used topic modeling technique.
Uncover the key differences between amateurs and professionals that make a difference and improve the prospects of success.
Lookup the rank of your conference.
"Solo" secondi con il progetto ELIO su più di 80 progetti sottoposti.
In The War of Art and Turning Pro, Steven Pressfield talks about “The Resistance” that keeps us from doing our work.
If you’re a maker and you’ve yet to read these two books, do yourself a favor and buy them today.
Isolation, anxiety, and depression in the remote workplace and what we’re doing about it
Website for the Italian Workshop on Embedded Systems.
Several presentations are available online.
Decreto Ministeriale del 29 luglio 2016 n. 602 - Atti Ministeriali MIUR
Determinazione dei valori-soglia degli indicatori di cui agli allegati C, D ed E del D.M. 7 giugno 2016, n. 120
Sono disponibili i due decreti direttoriali che, in attuazione del D.P.R. 95/2016, del D.M. 120/2016 e del D.M. 602/2016 danno avvio alle procedure per l’abilitazione scientifica nazionale. Si tratta, rispettivamente, del D.D. 1531 (Bando Commissari) e del D.D. 1532 (Bando Candidati) del 29 luglio 2016 reperibili ai seguenti link è sul sito dell’abilitazione scientifica nazionale (http://abilitazione.miur.it).