Tullio Facchinetti

Interfacciamento client-server con il simulatore di propagazione del calore Energy2D

2022-04-14 Thu by Nicolò Fasulo
Categories: article thesis lang_it article_it

Energy2D (E2D) è un simulatore di propagazione del calore sviluppato dal Dr. Charles Xie, fisico presso il Concord Consortium. E2D è scritto in linguaggio Java ed è completamente open-source. I modelli per le simulazioni sono salvati in file con formato e2d, basato su formato XML, e permettono di simulare il comportamento di entità quali: Read more →

Sviluppo applicazione APPiLL con framework Ionic

2021-08-30 Mon by Biagio Calicchio
Categories: article thesis lang_it article_it

APPill è un dispositivo sviluppato da AGEvoluzione s.r.l. che ha lo scopo di facilitare l’assunzione di farmaci, in quanto permette di caricare le pillole da assumere, tipicamente una volta al mese, e di erogarle nel giorno e nella quantità preimpostata. Read more →

Frames Player and Analyzer for Optical Biological Ballistic Observations

2021-08-09 Mon by Luca Rogledi
Categories: article thesis lang_en article_en

In the field of physiological research at the laboratory of Policlinico San Matteo of Pavia it was necessary to update the software used to assist the researchers in the study of the acto-myosin interaction. Read more →

Porting of a firmware from Arduino to STM32 architecture

2021-07-21 Wed by Francesco Carella
Categories: article thesis lang_en article_en

The goal of this work was the porting of EasyScada firmware from the Arduino platform to the STM32 Nucleo board. This work was carried in collaboration with AGEvoluzione, an innovative small-medium company that deals with Internet of Things (IoT) devices. Read more →

Towards a new meaning of modern basketball players positions

2021-04-12 Mon by Federico Bianchi
Categories: article thesis lang_en article_en

Basketball is one of the sports in which statistical analysis is most applied, thanks to the huge amount of data that can be derived from any single game and the fact that statistical analysis is becoming more and more important for many professional teams. Read more →


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