Tullio Facchinetti

Speed up the compilation of LaTex Beamer presentations

2023-02-24 Fri by Tullio Facchinetti
Categories: article lang_en article_en latex

This is definitely stolen from this blog post from Tobias Brink. Large LaTeX beamer presentations compile slowly, especially if there are a lot of images. While working on the slides, it can help to only compile some of them. Read more →

Students and theses

2022-10-18 Tue by Tullio Facchinetti
Categories: lang_en

The listed year refers to when the student got his/her Degree. Some theses were written in Italian language; the English title is my free translation. Some few works have been supervised in conjunction with colleagues. Read more →

Students and theses - English

2022-10-18 Tue by Tullio Facchinetti
Categories: lang_en

The listed year refers to when the student got his/her Degree. Some theses were written in Italian language; the English title is my free translation. Some few works have been supervised in conjunction with colleagues. Read more →

Learn enough C to survive

2022-10-17 Mon by Tullio Facchinetti
Categories: article lang_en article_en programming C

Forewords and personal considerations The considerations in his post have been inspired by this one on Code of Honor by Noah. Some text is taken from the original post verbatim. Read more →

Workflow for writing theses collaboratively

2022-08-29 Mon by Tullio Facchinetti
Categories: article lang_en latex article_en

In the last few years I have been supervisor of tens of students (I keep an updated list here). In some periods I had to manage the concurrent writing of 5-6 theses. Read more →


  • Students and theses
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  • Last updates (English)

  • Speed up the compilation of LaTex Beamer presentations ()
  • Students and theses ()
  • Students and theses - English ()
  • Learn enough C to survive ()
  • Workflow for writing theses collaboratively ()
  • Guidelines for theses and presentations ()
  • Projects ()
  • Last updates (Italian)

  • Risultati FdI 26 June 2024 ()
  • Risultati FdI 8 e 11 aprile 2024 ()
  • Risultati FdI 20 Febbraio 2024 ()
  • Risultati FdI 02 Febbraio 2024 ()
  • Risultati FdI 20-27 Novembre 2023 ()
  • Risultati FdI 28 Settembre 2023 ()
  • Risultati FdI 01 Settembre 2023 ()
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    Article Article_en Article_it C Courses Fdi Lang_en Lang_it Latex Programming Project Research Results Robotics Software Teaching Thesis Tips