Tullio Facchinetti

Speed up the compilation of LaTex Beamer presentations

2023-02-24 Fri by Tullio Facchinetti
Categories: article lang_en article_en latex

This is definitely stolen from this blog post from Tobias Brink. Large LaTeX beamer presentations compile slowly, especially if there are a lot of images. While working on the slides, it can help to only compile some of them. Read more →

Workflow for writing theses collaboratively

2022-08-29 Mon by Tullio Facchinetti
Categories: article lang_en latex article_en

In the last few years I have been supervisor of tens of students (I keep an updated list here). In some periods I had to manage the concurrent writing of 5-6 theses. Read more →

Guidelines for theses and presentations

2022-08-29 Mon by Tullio Facchinetti
Categories: article lang_en latex article_en

LaTeX is one of the tools more commonly used to write a thesis and a long scientific text in general. In this article I will report some guidelines to write a thesis using LaTeX. Read more →

Inklayers: a program to generate PDF animations from SVG images

2021-01-12 Tue by Tullio Facchinetti
Categories: article lang_en article_en latex software

Inklayers was born to make the editing of “animated” PDF presentations with LaTeX Beamer easier. The PDF format do not actually allow animations, but a similar effect can be obtained with a sequence of slides. Read more →

Guidelines per tesi e presentazioni

2020-11-13 Fri by Tullio Facchinetti
Categories: article lang_it latex article_it

LaTeX è uno degli strumenti più utilizzati per la scrittura di testi elaborati come una tesi di laurea. Di seguito sono riportate alcune linee guida per la realizzazione di tesi in LaTeX, e per la realizzazione di presentazioni delle tesi stesse. Read more →


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  • Workflow for writing theses collaboratively ()
  • Guidelines for theses and presentations ()
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