DEA - Dexterous Eye-guided Aiming [ENG]
2015-01-19 Mon by Tullio FacchinettiDEA is composed by a tracking device with two degrees of freedom, designed to orient a laser pointer on a moving target and to follow its trajectory by vision. A pneumatic shooting device is used to launch a plastic sphere on the target to verify the correctness of the prediction. This system can be useful whenever an object needs to be not only tracked, but also catched in some manner, like in dynamic grasping operations. The approach can also be useful when the exact location of a target in some future time needs to be estimated from its current trajectory, as done in astronomical applications for tracking heavenly bodies.
Read more →DEA - Dexterous Eye-guided Aiming [ITA]
2015-01-19 Mon by Tullio FacchinettiDEA consiste in un sistema di puntamento in grado di agganciare la traiettoria di un oggetto in movimento, predirne il moto e colpirlo.
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