Tullio Facchinetti

Guidelines for theses and presentations

2022-08-29 Mon by Tullio Facchinetti
Categories: article lang_en latex article_en

LaTeX is one of the tools more commonly used to write a thesis and a long scientific text in general. In this article I will report some guidelines to write a thesis using LaTeX. Read more →


2022-04-15 Fri by Tullio Facchinetti
Categories: lang_en

A list of some research and industrial projects I worked on. 2021 | EIFE - Equalizzatore Intelligente dei Fabbisogni Energetici The goal of the EIFE project is to develop solutions for improving the energy efficiency in residential buildings. Read more →

Shortcuts for Bash

2022-03-13 Sun by Tullio Facchinetti
Categories: article lang_en article_en

Typically, we use arrow keys to control shell behaviors like moving the cursor from one point to another point. Also, it’s quite common to make mistakes while writing commands and to correct these you may use arrow keys + backspace, which is not optimal at all. Read more →

I finally removed all the Javascript from this site

2022-01-27 Thu by Tullio Facchinetti
Categories: article lang_en article_en

According with my love for minimalism and uncluttered solutions, I finally managed to reorganize this website to remove all the Javascript-based parts and plugins. This website is generated using the well-known static website generator Hugo. Read more →

Terminal-friendly tmux cheatsheet

2022-01-07 Fri by Tullio Facchinetti
Categories: article lang_en article_en

I typically use tmux when working on remote servers, but sometimes I don’t remember keybindings or commands for some functions that I rarely use. Since I find the tmux help/manpage rather confused, I usually revert to this cheatsheet, which is very well organized. Read more →


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