Tullio Facchinetti

Robotics 2017/2018

by Tullio Facchinetti

General information

The course on Robotics will be held by Prof. Tullio Facchinetti.

I recommend to carefully read the information reported in this page.

Weekly schedule

To request a meeting, and for any other issue, please send me an email.

Since I held/hold many different courses, I kindly ask to specify in the email the following information: name, course name, identification number, and - possibly - the year when the course was attended.


The seminar of Prof. Luis Almeida from University of Porto, on “Coordination of Autonomous Mobile Nodes”, is scheduled as follows:

The second part of the seminar of Prof. Luis Almeida are scheduled as follows:

The seminar of Daniele De Martini on eduMorse (the simulation platform to use for the practical projects) is scheduled as follows:

Organization of the exam

The exam consists of a written test regarding the topics coered during the course. The duration of the test is 2 hours. The slides linked in this page contain all the material that is necessary for preparing the exam.

The exam also requires a mandatory practical part, which consists in the development of a program that implement a control algorithm for a simulated mobile robot.

The two parts of the exam are independent from each other; there are no precedence constraints and once a part has been passed, its validity does not expire.

Further information regarding the exam:

  1. The topics of the seminars from Prof. Luis Almeida will be subject of OPEN QUESTIONS at the exam. NO EXERCISES will be asked on that topics.
  2. The slides on sensors that are available online cover some topics that will not be explained during the lessons. These topics WILL NOT BE subject of questions or exercises at the exam.


The didactic material is based on the slides shown during lessons. Presentations will be made available during the course.

ATTENTION: since slight changes to the slides are possible, it is recommended to periodically check this site for updates. The date indicated for each presentation represents the latest update of the corresponding file.


Robot navigation

Finite State Machines

Real-time systems


Seminar of Prof. Almeida

The course also includes a short introduction to MEMS sensors. The presentations regarding the MEMS technology and the relevant compensation techniques of MEMS accelerometers and gyroscopes, can be provided upon request on a USB drive. Please send an email to Prof. Tullio Facchinetti for an appointment to obtain this material.

Practical project

Starting from this year, there are two options for the practical project: a programming project and a simulation design project.

The possibility to work on the robotics simulation design project instead of the programming project must be declared to Prof. Facchinetti in advance. Prof. Facchinetti will decide to allow this option after an evaluation on the skills of the students composing the team.

Programming project

The practical project requires to implement a path planning and navigation algorithm in C, Java or Python under a simulation environment based on the MORSE simulator. The simulation requires a mobile robot to move in a 2D environment to accomplish a given task.

In particular, the eduMorse framework is used for the project. The simulation environment runs under Linux (tested with XUbuntu). It must be a Debian-based distribution, since the installer provided by eduMorse makes use of the apt command. Its features, characteristics, install instructions and usage are described in a lecture by Daniele De Martini. Detailed information on project goals and constraints can be found here.

Some indications:

Additional information, tools and help for the practical project are provided by Daniele De Martini.

Robotics simulation design

The simulation design project consists in the development of a model of a robotics application using the Coppelia Robotics v-rep simulator.

The specific goal of the simulation scene to be developed will be decided once a team expresses the willingness to work on this project instead of the programming project, and Prof. Facchinetti has agreed on this option.

Additional references

Suggested books

The following text books are helpful to expand the topics covered in the course.


  • Publications
  • Students and theses
  • Thesis topics
  • Curated awesome list of CLI apps
  • Last updates (English)

  • Students and theses ()
  • Students and theses - English ()
  • Speed up the compilation of LaTex Beamer presentations ()
  • Learn enough C to survive ()
  • Workflow for writing theses collaboratively ()
  • Guidelines for theses and presentations ()
  • Projects ()
  • Last updates (Italian)

  • Risultati FdI 18 Novembre / 02 Dicembre 2024 ()
  • Studenti e tesi ()
  • Risultati FdI 27 Settembre 2024 ()
  • Risultati FdI 02 Settembre 2024 ()
  • Risultati FdI 25 Luglio 2024 ()
  • Risultati FdI 26 June 2024 ()
  • Risultati FdI 8 e 11 aprile 2024 ()
  • List of categories

    Article Article_en Article_it C Courses Fdi Lang_en Lang_it Latex Programming Project Research Results Robotics Software Teaching Thesis Tips