Tullio Facchinetti


Since I held/hold many different courses, in different years, when contacting me by email please specify the following information: name, course name, identification number, and - possibly - the year when the course was attended.

Current Courses (year 2023/2024)

Robotics [ENG] / Algorithms and Systems for Robotics [ENG]

Systems for Industry 4.0 and Environment (IoT)

Fondamenti di Informatica [ITA]

NOTE: the links below lead to pages containing material for both Italian an English courses.

Complete list of results of past exams.

Some samples of past exams that may help in preparing the future ones.

A list of past courses that I held in previous years.

The list of responsibles [ITA] for the registration of various activities related to thesis and stages (see the bottom of the page).


  • Students and theses
  • Publications
  • Thesis topics
  • Curated awesome list of CLI apps
  • Last updates (English)

  • Speed up the compilation of LaTex Beamer presentations ()
  • Students and theses ()
  • Students and theses - English ()
  • Learn enough C to survive ()
  • Workflow for writing theses collaboratively ()
  • Guidelines for theses and presentations ()
  • Projects ()
  • Last updates (Italian)

  • Risultati FdI 26 June 2024 ()
  • Risultati FdI 8 e 11 aprile 2024 ()
  • Risultati FdI 20 Febbraio 2024 ()
  • Risultati FdI 02 Febbraio 2024 ()
  • Risultati FdI 20-27 Novembre 2023 ()
  • Risultati FdI 28 Settembre 2023 ()
  • Risultati FdI 01 Settembre 2023 ()
  • List of categories

    Article Article_en Article_it C Courses Fdi Lang_en Lang_it Latex Programming Project Research Results Robotics Software Teaching Thesis Tips