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Timo Zimmermann about software engineering, leading teams, consulting and start ups.
Tips for writing effective emails avoiding misunderstandings, with examples from the software development world.
Today I want to talk about fzf and ripgrep, two tools I use all the time when working in Vim and the terminal. They have become an absolutely vital part of my workflow. Ever since I started using them I can’t imagine myself functioning without them anymore.
To make note taking using LaTeX viable, I had four goals in mind:
- Writing text and mathematical formulas in LaTeX should be as fast as the lecturer writing on a blackboard: no delay is acceptable.
- Drawing figures should be almost as fast as the lecturer.
- Managing notes, i.e. adding a note, compiling all my notes, compiling the last two lectures, searching in notes, etc. should be easy and quick.
- Annotating pdf documents using LaTeX should be possible for when I want to write notes alongside a pdf document.
This blog post will focus on the first item: writing LaTeX.