128 private links
This is a story of how a software company was able to start a conversation with 8x more of their users by cutting the length of their emails by 90%. You could set up a test of this method in less than an hour.
Just took note of this tool, although I didn't try it out and I would be rather scared of a script that goes through my mailbox and deletes things...
Email is unsafe and cannot be made safe. The tools we have today to encrypt email are badly flawed. Even if those flaws were fixed, email would remain unsafe. Its problems cannot plausibly be mitigated. Avoid encrypted email.
Technologists hate this argument. Few of them specialize in cryptography or privacy, but all of them are interested in it, and many of them tinker with encrypted email tools.
Most email encryption on the Internet is performative, done as a status signal or show of solidarity.
A system for automatically configuring mutt and isync with a simple interface and safe passwords.
NeoMutt is a command line mail reader based on Mutt.
It’s versatile and highly configurable.
It has lots of new features which come with documentation and sample config files.
NeoMutt has brought together lots of Mutt patches, many of which were useful, but had been abandoned.
MUA written in Ruby; specifically developed for accounts with "a lot of emails"; nice thread-based presentation.
Mail client with tons of features, customization chances, support for IMAP, POP3, multiple storage formats.
Mailboxes synchronization tool; allows to download email locally; MailDir format supported.
MUA written in Python using the NotMuch backend; MailDir format support.
Mail client which aims at being "fast, easy to use email client that is suitable for both the inexperienced email user as well as for the most demanding of power users".
Darwin Mail - Inbox evolved: reach new levels of productivity.
Tutanota is the secure email service, built in Germany. Use encrypted emails on all devices with our open source email client, mobile apps & desktop clients.
Tips for writing effective emails avoiding misunderstandings, with examples from the software development world.
It's not qmail. It's also not netqmail.
notqmail is a community-driven fork of qmail. notqmail begins where netqmail left off: providing stable, compatible, small releases to which existing qmail users can safely update. notqmail also aims higher: developing an extensible, easily packaged, and increasingly useful modern mail server.
Over the past 25 years, email has weaved itself into the daily fabric of life. Our inboxes contain everything from very personal letters, to work correspondence, to unsolicited inbound sales pitches. In many ways, they are an extension of our homes: private places where we are free to deal with what life throws at us in whatever way we see fit. Have an inbox zero policy? That’s up to you. Let your inbox build into the thousands and only deal with what you can stay on top of? That’s your business too.
It is disappointing then that one of the most hyped new email clients, Superhuman, has decided to embed hidden tracking pixels inside of the emails its customers send out. Superhuman calls this feature “Read Receipts” and turns it on by default for its customers, without the consent of its recipients. You’ve heard the term “Read Receipts” before, so you have most likely been conditioned to believe it’s a simple “Read/Unread” status that people can opt out of. With Superhuman, it is not.
This article will give a brief introduction to SSMTP and steps to install it and use the same to send emails from Linux terminal.
aerc is an email client that runs in your terminal. It's highly efficient and extensible, perfect for the discerning hacker.