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IoT is considered as one of the key enabling technologies for the fourth industrial revolution, that is known as Industry 4.0. In this paper, we consider the mechatronic component as the lowest level in the system composition hierarchy that tightly integrates mechanics with the electronics and software required to convert the mechanics to intelligent (smart) object offering well defined services to its environment. For this mechatronic component to be integrated in the IoT- based industrial automation environment, a software layer is required on top of it to convert its conventional interface to an IoT compliant one. This layer, that we call IoTwrapper, transforms the conventional mechatronic component to an Industrial Automation Thing (IAT). The IAT is the key element of an IoT model specifically developed in the context of this work for the manufacturing domain. The model is compared to existing IoT models and its main differences are discussed. A model-to-model transformer is presented to automatically transform the legacy mechatronic component to an IAT ready to be integrated in the IoT-based industrial automation environment. The UML4IoT profile is used in the form of a Domain Specific Modeling Language to automate this transformation. A prototype implementation of an In dustrial Automation Thing using C and the Contiki operating system demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed approach.
In this paper, we consider multi-pursuer single-superior-evader pursuit-evasion differential games where the evader has a speed that is similar to or higher than the speed of each pursuer. A new fuzzy reinforcement learning algorithm is proposed in this work. The proposed algorithm uses the well-known Apollonius circle mechanism to define the capture region of the learning pursuer based on its location and the location of the superior evader. The proposed algorithm uses the Apollonius circle with a developed formation control approach in the tuning mechanism of the fuzzy logic controller (FLC) of the learning pursuer so that one or some of the learning pursuers can capture the superior evader. The formation control mechanism used by the proposed algorithm guarantees that the pursuers are distributed around the superior evader in order to avoid collision between pursuers. The formation control mechanism used by the proposed algorithm also makes the Apollonius circles of each two adjacent pursuers intersect or be at least tangent to each other so that the capture of the superior evader can occur. The proposed algorithm is a decentralized algorithm as no communication among the pursuers is required. The only information the proposed algorithm requires is the position and the speed of the superior evader. The proposed algorithm is used to learn different multi-pursuer single-superior-evader pursuit-evasion differential games. The simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.
A Learning Invader for the “Guarding a Territory” Game
A Reinforcement Learning Problem
This paper explores the use of a learning algorithm in the “guarding a territory” game. The game occurs in continuous time, where a single learning invader tries to get as close as possible to a territory before being captured by a guard. Previous research has approached the problem by letting only the guard learn. We will examine the other possibility of the game, in which only the invader is going to learn. Furthermore, in our case the guard is superior (faster) to the invader. We will also consider using models with non-holonomic constraints. A control system is designed and optimized for the invader to play the game and reach Nash Equilibrium. The paper shows how the learning system is able to adapt itself. The system’s performance is evaluated through different simulations and compared to the Nash Equilibrium. Experiments with real robots were conducted and verified our simulations in a real-life environment. Our results show that our learning invader behaved rationally in different circumstances.
Oliver Parson, is a research fellow in the Agents, Interaction and Complexity Group within Electronics and Computer Science at the University of Southampton. He is interested in investigating the ways in which machine learning techniques can be used to break down household energy consumption data into individual appliances, also known as Non-intrusive Appliance Load Monitoring (NIALM) or energy disaggregation.
The Linux Audio Conference 2009 (LAC#7) took place at the Casa della Musica (CdM) in Parma, Italy, from April 16th-19, 2009. Here is a list of all papers that were presented, which link to the actual slides, photo of the speakers, papers and more.