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128 private links
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As tech conference organizers ramp up for the fall season, you may be seeing calls for papers (CFP) landing in your email box or social media feeds. We at All Things Open (ATO) have seen a lot of presentation proposals over the years, and we've learned a few things about what makes them successful.
Why conrad
- Never miss CFP deadlines again.
remind can remind you every time you open a terminal! - Query and explore events using tags, names, locations, and dates.
show --cfp will tell you about events where the CFP is open! - Crawlers update events twice a week! (Monday and Thursday at 00:00 UTC)
ION conference on inertial measurement systems, navigation and localization.
The Linux Audio Conference 2009 (LAC#7) took place at the Casa della Musica (CdM) in Parma, Italy, from April 16th-19, 2009. Here is a list of all papers that were presented, which link to the actual slides, photo of the speakers, papers and more.