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Python expert Jonathan Lettvin looks at some Python practices that shouldn't be used, but often can't be avoided.
The problems with peer review and scientific publishing have been a topic for …
Have you ever submitted an article to a reputable scientific journal only to have the paper rejected or sent back for major or even impossible...
The ability to customize tools to suit your needs is one of the great advantages of many Linux utilities. However, when you find yourself working on a new server, there is the issue of getting the settings you are comfortable with working in a new env.
Very good article describing the issues of having global state entities in software development.
There are lots of plugins that do similar jobs to those that I'm going to mention, but I'm not interested in making this an exhaustive list; these are my recommendations based on experience, and they may well change as time goes on:
- Syntax checking/linting
- File navigation
- Keyword searching
- Autocompletion
- Tags
- "Project management"
Like for every thing, there are plenty of commands to check information about the hardware of your linux system. Some commands report only specific hardware components like cpu or memory while the rest cover multiple hardware units.
This post takes a quick look at some of the most commonly used commands to check information and configuration details about various hardware peripherals and devices. The list includes lscpu, hwinfo, lshw, dmidecode, lspci etc.
Las miradas matan, las paredes oyen, las almohadas hablan, ¿en qué clase de mundo vivimos? (por D.M.G.)
John Frusciante è una icona. Uno dei “loser” più caratteristici e famosi degli anni ’90, la cui immagine è entrata ormai nell’immaginario collettivo. Un’immagine inevitabilmente legata alla sua chitarra, lo strumento che gli permette di amplificare a dismisura la densità di significato...
Open source downloads galore: arcade, board, puzzle, shooter, adventure, simulator and role-playing games -- something for everyone.
Last month, I was pretty stressed out, thanks mostly to a seemingly endless stream of minor, but irritating, problems. It got so that I was reacting negatively almost immediately to each new development. Some people spend entire years in this state.Fortunately, I realized what was happening and managed to disrupt that negative cycle of gloom and doom. Here’s how I did it, along with other proven tips for staying calm:1. Dump the caffeine: For decades, I avoided caffeine altogether, but recently started drinking two ice teas per day, plus up to two bottle of BAI flavors, which also
When you’re working hard and doing all you can to achieve your goals, anything that can give you an edge is powerful and will streamline your path to success.Mind tricks won’t make you a Jedi, but using the brain’s natural quirks to your advantage can have a positive impact on everyone you encounter.None of these tricks are deceitful or disingenuous, except for number six, and I trust that you’ll only use that one with good reason.As soon as you become aware of these 12 tricks, they start popping up wherever you look. With minimal effort on your part, their unconscious
Forget the currency; it’s the protocol behind it that matters. It will mutate and take over everything we do (or could one day do) on the Web. You’ve been warned