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It comes with useful default lint rules for coding convention, performance and security issues. It makes custom lint rule easy to build, test and configure. It empowers lint rule to provide autofix to fix the issues for developers. It also provide tools to run autofix across codebase to fix existing issues and automatically insert lint-fixme comments to silent existing violation. Fixit integrates with Flake8 and it adds the above mentioned enhancements to it.
Gherkin uses a set of special keywords to give structure and meaning to executable specifications. Each keyword is translated to many spoken languages; in this reference we’ll use English.
“Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it.” – Brian W. Kernighan.
Everyone tests their software to some extent, if only by running it and trying it out (technically known as “smoke testing”). Most programmers do a certain amount of exploratory testing, which involves running through various functional paths in your code and seeing if they work.
Systematic testing, however, is a different matter. Systematic testing simply cannot be done properly without a certain (large!) amount of automation, because every change to the software means that the software needs to be tested all over again.
This is an introduction to some lower level automated testing concepts, and how to use built-in Python constructs to start writing tests.
Selenium automates browsers. That's it! What you do with that power is entirely up to you. Primarily, it is for automating web applications for testing purposes, but is certainly not limited to just that. Boring web-based administration tasks can (and should!) also be automated as well.
Selenium has the support of some of the largest browser vendors who have taken (or are taking) steps to make Selenium a native part of their browser. It is also the core technology in countless other browser automation tools, APIs and frameworks.
TextTest is an open source tool for text-based functional testing. This means running a program in lots of different ways from the command line, and using the text output produced as a means of controlling the behaviour of that application.
JUnit This tutorial explains unit testing with JUnit 4.x. It explains the creation of JUnit tests and how to run them in Eclipse or via own code.