128 private links
What do your GitHub starred repos really say about you?
Have you noticed that Git is so integral to working with code that people hardly ever include it in their tech stack or on their CV at all? The assumption is you know it already, or at least enough to get by, but do you?
Git is a Version Control System (VCS). The ubiquitous technology that enables us to store, change, and collaborate on code with others.
There are some aliases and Git addons that I use to make my life easier.
I use a system I call homegit to manage config files and scripts in my home directory on all my machines. The idea is simple: a Git repository rooted at ~ that I push to GitHub. I’ve used this system for 6 years and like it a lot. See below to set it up for yourself!
askgit provides a sql interface to your git repository.
Having access to source code makes it possible to analyze the security and safety of applications. But if nobody actually looks at the code, the issues won’t get caught, and even when people are actively looking at code, there’s usually quite a lot to look at. Fortunately, GitHub has an active security team, and recently, they revealed a Trojan that had been committed into several Git repositories, having snuck past even the repo owners.
You can initialize Git repository, check its current status, add and commit changes and push all of that to remote? Great. Now time for these commands!
Ever considered setting up and running your very own git server? It’s actually
quite easy! In this post, I’ll outline the steps I took to set up my
own so that you can give it a try yourself. But first, why
might you even want to go through the trouble of setting up your own server?
With Issue Tracking, Git Management, Pull Request, and Build Farm. Simple yet Powerful.
This article, explains different ways of preventing Git from repeatedly prompting for username and password when interacting with a remote repository over HTTP(S).
A utility tool powered by fzf
for using git interactively.
GitRoyalty helps Open Source developers get paid without relying on complex licenses, support promises, issue bounties, or donations. Using the power of git, you can add a paywall to new or existing Open Source projects, putting money in contributors' pockets for the first time.
Commentary: The world rightly lauds Linus Torvalds for Linux, but Git will arguably have a bigger impact.
Git Essentials Crash Course - Introduction This is not Java but several newbie developers ask the same question, how to use GIT and how does GIT works so here it goes...