Tullio Facchinetti

Contact information

by Tullio Facchinetti

Tullio Facchinetti
Robotics Laboratory - C floor
Department of Electrical, Computer and Biomedical Engineering
University of Pavia
via A. Ferrata, 5 - 27100, Pavia

e-mail: tullio.facchinetti@unipv.it
skype: toolleeo
social: on LinkedIn, on ResearchGate, on Google Scholar, on Facebook
phone: (+39) 0382-985517
fax: (+39) 0382-985373


  • Students and theses
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  • Thesis topics
  • Curated awesome list of CLI apps
  • Last updates (English)

  • Speed up the compilation of LaTex Beamer presentations ()
  • Students and theses ()
  • Students and theses - English ()
  • Learn enough C to survive ()
  • Workflow for writing theses collaboratively ()
  • Guidelines for theses and presentations ()
  • Projects ()
  • Last updates (Italian)

  • Risultati FdI 26 June 2024 ()
  • Risultati FdI 8 e 11 aprile 2024 ()
  • Risultati FdI 20 Febbraio 2024 ()
  • Risultati FdI 02 Febbraio 2024 ()
  • Risultati FdI 20-27 Novembre 2023 ()
  • Risultati FdI 28 Settembre 2023 ()
  • Risultati FdI 01 Settembre 2023 ()
  • List of categories

    Article Article_en Article_it C Courses Fdi Lang_en Lang_it Latex Programming Project Research Results Robotics Software Teaching Thesis Tips