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A couple of years back, even researchers would wave off using DNA to store data as something too futuristic to have any practical value. Today, you can extend PostgreSQL with the right software and bio-chemical modules, and run SQL on DNA.
Sia is a decentralized storage platform secured by blockchain technology. The Sia Storage Platform leverages underutilized hard drive capacity around the world to create a data storage marketplace that is more reliable and lower cost than traditional cloud storage providers.
OpenMediaVault is the next generation network attached storage (NAS) solution based on Debian Linux. It contains services like SSH, (S)FTP, SMB/CIFS, AFS, UPnP media server, DAAP media server, RSync, BitTorrent client and many more.
Store files in Google Docs without counting against your quota.
- Upload files to Google Drive without using storage space
- Download any stored files to your computer
- Google Docs take up 0 bytes of quota in your Google Drive
- Split up binary files into Google Docs, with base64 encoded text
- Size of the encoded file is always larger than the original. Base64 encodes binary data to a ratio of about 4:3.
- A single google doc can store about a million characters. This is around 710KB of base64 encoded data.
- Some experiments with multi-threading the uploads, but there was no significant performance increase.
Demand response on the residential market is becoming a solution to adapt customer consumption to the offer available and therefore lower the electricity peak prices. Tariff incentives and direct load control of residential air-conditioners and electric heaters are flexible solutions to reduce the peak demand. To include residential demand response resources in planning operators, quantifying the demand reduction is becoming a major issue for all electrical stakeholders. Current methods are based on day or weather matching, regressions and control group approaches. In general, methods using available data from a control group give more accurate results. With the introduction of smart meters, the electric utilities generate a large amount of quality data, available almost in real time. In this paper, we suggest using these available residential load curves to select a control group based on individual load curves. One of the advantages of our method is that the selected control group could adapt at anytime to the number of individuals belonging to the demand reduction program, as this number evolves with customers entering and leaving the program. Constrained regression methods and an algorithm are developed and evaluated on real data, providing a reliable solution for an operational use.
This paper presents the modeling and control for a novel Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES) system for wind turbines. The system captures excess power prior to electricity generation so that electrical components can be downsized for demand instead of supply. Energy is stored in a high pressure dual chamber liquid-compressed air storage vessel. It takes advantage of the power density of hydraulics and the energy density of pneumatics in the “open accumulator” architecture. A liquid piston air compressor/expander is utilized to achieve near-isothermal compression/expansion for efficient operation. A cycle-average approach is used to model the dynamics of each component in the combined wind turbine and storage system. Standard torque control is used to capture the maximum power from wind through a hydraulic pump attached to the turbine rotor in the nacelle. To achieve both accumulator pressure regulation and generator power tracking, a nonlinear controller is designed based on an energy based Lyapunov function. The nonlinear controller is then modified to distribute the control effort between the hydraulic and pneumatic elements based on their bandwidth capabilities. As a result, liquid piston air compressor/expander will loosely maintain the accumulator pressure ratio, while the down-tower hydraulic pump/motor precisely tracks the desired generator power. This control scheme also allows the accumulator to function as a damper for the storage system by absorbing power disturbances from the hydraulic path generated by the wind gusts. A set of simulation case studies demonstrate the operation of the combined system when the nonlinear controller is utilized and illustrates how this system can be used for load leveling, downsizing electrical system and maximizing revenues.
Maximum Efficiency or Power Tracking of Stand-alone Small Scale Compressed Air Energy Storage System
This paper is concerned with maximum efficiency or power tracking for pneumatically-driven electric generator of a stand-alone small scale compressed air energy storage system (CAES). In this system, an air motor is used to drive a permanent magnet DC generator, whose output power is controlled by a buck converter supplying a resistive load. The output power of the buck converter is controlled power such that the air motor operates at a speed corresponding to either maximum power or maximum efficiency. The maximum point tracking controller uses a linearised model of the air motor together with integral control action. The analysis and design of the controller is based on a small injected-absorbed current signal-model of the buck converter. The controller was implemented experimentally using a dSPACE system. Test results are presented to validate the design and demonstrate its capabilities.
Compressed Air Energy Storage System Control and Performance Assessment Using Energy Harvested Index
In this paper a new concept for control and performance assessment of compressed air energy storage (CAES) systems in a hybrid energy system is introduced. The proposed criterion, based on the concept of energy harvest index (HEI), measures the capability of a storage system to capture renewable energy. The overall efficiency of the CAES system and optimum control and design from the technical and economic point of view is presented. A possible application of this idea is an isolated community with significant wind energy resource. A case study reveals the usefulness of the proposed criterion in design, control and implementation of a small CAES system in a hybrid power system (HPM) for an isolated community. Energy harvested index and its effectiveness in increasing the wind penetration rate in the total energy production is discussed.
Distributed energy storage has been recognized as a valuable and often indispensable complement to small-scale power generation based on renewable energy sources. Small- scale energy storage positioned at the demand side would open the possibility for enhanced predictability of power output and easier integration of small-scale intermittent generators into functioning electricity markets, as well as offering inherent peak shaving abilities for mitigating contingencies and blackouts, for reducing transmission losses in local networks, profit optimization and generally allowing tighter utility control on renewable energy generation. Distributed energy storage at affordable costs and of low environmental footprint is a necessary prerequisite for the wider deployment of renewable energy and its deeper penetration into local networks.
Thermodynamic energy storage in the form of compressed air is an alternative to electrochemical energy storage in batteries and has been evaluated in various studies and tested commercially on a large scale. Small-scale distributed compressed air energy storage (DCAES) systems in combination with renewable energy generators installed at residential homes or small businesses are a viable alternative to large-scale energy storage, moreover promising lower specific investment than batteries. Flexible control methods can be applied to DCAES units, resulting in a complex system running either independently for home power supply, or as a unified and centrally controlled utility-scale energy storage entity.
This study aims at conceptualizing the plausible distributed compressed-air energy storage units, examining the feasibility for their practical implementation and analyzing their behavior, as well as devising the possible control strategies for optimal utilization of grid-integrated renewable energy sources at small scales. Results show that overall energy storage efficiency of around 70% can be achieved with comparatively simple solutions, offering less technical challenges and lower specific costs than comparable electrical battery systems. Furthermore, smart load management for improving the dispatchability can bring additional benefits by profit optimization and decrease.
Future energy systems will depend much more on renewable energy resources than the current ones. Renewable energy resources, in turn, fluctuate and are not permanently available to the same extent than fossil ones. In consequence, new approaches are required to balance electricity demand and production. One approach is to schedule the compressed-air production of industrial installations according to the current load and supply of the electric grid. To be able to do this, compressed-air has to be stored for peak load phases. Computer simulations are an efficient tool to judge the technical feasibility of such an approach and to compare it with other load management systems. This paper describes the thermodynamic fundamentals of compressed-air energy storage and their integration in a computer model. The obtained results from simulations were compared with results from measurements showing good consistency. Thus, the model was used to simulate different principles to store compressed-air. Systems with low pressure level and with high storage volume appear to be the most energy-efficient ones. In general the technology has the potential to be utilized in the electric load management. However, further simulations are required to determine the most economical solution.
Sx server is a reliable, fully distributed cluster solution for your data storage needs, released under the GPL licence. With Sx you can aggregate the disk space available on multiple servers and merge it into a single storage system. The cluster makes sure that your data is always replicated over multiple nodes (the exact number of copies is defined by the sysadmin) and synchronized. Additionally Sx has built-in support for deduplication, client-side encryption, on-the-fly compression and much more.
Support for the S3 API is provided by the LibreS3 free add-on, which must be installed separatedly.
GMail Filesystem over FUSE
There is a Debian package which allows you to use GMail storage as a filesystem written by a nice guy named Richard Jones. He has a nice web site dedicated to it.
But, this implementation uses is based on something called libgmail which accesses GMail via its web interface. Unfortunately, that web interface changes constantly and libgmail not been able to keep up with the flux and is not working any more.
So, I went and stole Richard's code and improved it. Instead of using libgmail, I just used python's imaplib. GMail's IMAP interface should be pretty darn stable and not likely to break.