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A helper script to manage duplicity backups.
D3 is a JavaScript library for visualizing data with HTML, SVG, and CSS.
Data visualization is the mechanism of taking tabular or spatial data and conveying it in a human-friendly and visual way. In this article we look at eight open source tools that can help you to create useful and informative graphs.
Top Python Projects, most popular Python projects, favourite Python projects
It's natural to think that one can easily manage just a couple of APIs here and there, yet what starts out as just a few calls to one system or another has an intriguing characteristic of inevitably turning into a closely-coupled network of actors whose further usage or development becomes next to impossible.
UniTime: University Timetabling Online Demo
The "Internet of Things," or IoT, has the potential to change the way we interact with the devices and objects in our homes and lives. The IoT is the idea that all of the devices and gadgets that you interact with could be connected to the internet.
Audio processing plugins implemented as LV2.
Until now mbed OS has been exclusive to Cortex-M boards. But now ARM has announced the mbed Client, which enables mbed OS programs to run on Linux.
Open source, SOA, Web services, Cloud computing, Java PaaS, middleware projects for developers / architects. With Apache Axi2, WSO2 Carbon, ESB, Stratos
vim-airline - lean & mean status/tabline for vim that's light as air
Vim's relativenumber option is great, but sometimes it gets into your way a bit. With some clever settings, let's set it up so it just works.
Encryptr is free and Open-Source password manager that is based on a very secure ‘Zero-Knowledge Crypton Framework‘. Zero-Knowledge system does not allow even a server to know what data is being sent and saved on the server by user. Encryptr saves all of your passwords, credit card data, PINs, or access codes, in the cloud with a simple and sleek user interface.
Google has extended the support for its ARC Welder app and now Linux users can also run Android apps (APKs) right in their browser, with just the help of a downloadable Chrome app.
Tuesday marks the anniversary of Git, the distributed revision control system Linus Torvalds wrote in a weekend 10 years ago.