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Rwtxt is an open-source website where you can store any text online for easy sharing and quick recall.
Rwtxt builds off cowyo, a similar app I made previously.
In improving with rwtxt I aimed to avoid second-system syndrome: I got rid of features I never used in cowyo, while integrating a useful new feature not available previously: you can create domains.
You can share rwtxt links to read them on another computer.
Rwtxt is organized in domains - places where you can privately or publicly store your text.
Only people with the domain password can edit in your domain - making rwtxt useful as a password-protected wiki.
You can easily install and run rwtxt on your own computer.
Wasabi is the hot cloud storage company, offering storage that's faster than S3 and less expensive than Glacier. Join the cloud storage revolution here.
Etherscan is a Block Explorer and Analytics Platform for Ethereum, a decentralized smart contracts platform.
A tool for personal scheduling of appointments. Based on google calendar.
UniTime: University Timetabling Online Demo