128 private links
Telegra.ph is a minimalist publishing tool that allows you to create richly formatted posts and push them to the Web in just a click. Telegraph posts also get beautiful Instant View pages on Telegram.
Rwtxt is an open-source website where you can store any text online for easy sharing and quick recall.
Rwtxt builds off cowyo, a similar app I made previously.
In improving with rwtxt I aimed to avoid second-system syndrome: I got rid of features I never used in cowyo, while integrating a useful new feature not available previously: you can create domains.
You can share rwtxt links to read them on another computer.
Rwtxt is organized in domains - places where you can privately or publicly store your text.
Only people with the domain password can edit in your domain - making rwtxt useful as a password-protected wiki.
You can easily install and run rwtxt on your own computer.
Sometimes, all a geek needs is a quick way to generate a static site and put it up on a server or hosting service like Amazon S3 or GitHub Pages. Here it is list of static website generators that can be used for exactly this purpose.