Tullio Facchinetti

Program Committee membership

by Tullio Facchinetti


ISIE : 32nd IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics - Track Industrial Informatics: Cloud Computing, Big Data, AI, Informatics and Software Engineering (inv. by Marco Porta)
ICPS : 6th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Cyber-physical Systems - Track ICPS Engineering (inv. by Wenkai Hu)
SAC : The 38th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing - Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) Track (inv. by Qiao Li, Pi-Cheng Hsiu, Jingtong Hu)


HIEMI : 1st International Workshop on Hybrid Internet of Everything Models for Industry 5.0 (inv. by Francesco Cauteruccio, Giorgio Terracina, Domenico Ursino)
INDIN : 20th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics - Real-time and networked embedded computing, Industrial IoT technologies and applications track (inv. by Gaetano Patti)
INTELLI : The Eleventh International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Applications (inv. by Claus-Peter Rueckeman, Pascal Lorenz)
ETFA : 27th IEEE Conference Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation - Track 10 - Artificial Intelligence for Cyber Physical Systems in Automation (inv. by Daswin De Silva, Stamatis Karnouskos)
ETFA : 27th IEEE Conference Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation - Track 8 - Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks, and Information Processing (inv. by Frank Golatowski, Alessandro Biondi)
ETFA : 27th IEEE Conference Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation - Track 6 - Computer Vision and Human-Machine Interaction in Industrial and Factory Automation (inv. by Giancarlo Iannizzotto, Javier Silvestre-Blanes)
ICIT : 23rd IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology - Track on Cloud Computing, Big Data and Software Engineering (inv. by Kang-Hyun Jo, Marco Porta, Yang Shi)


ETFA : 26th IEEE Conference Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation - Track 10 - Artificial Intelligence for Cyber-Physical Systems in Automation (inv. by Daswin De Silva, Stamatis Karnouskos)
ETFA : 26th IEEE Conference Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation - Track 8 - Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks, and Information Processing (inv. by Frank Golatowski, Stefano Vitturi)
ETFA : 26th IEEE Conference Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation - Track 6 - Computer Vision and Human-Machine Interaction in Industrial and Factory Automation (inv. by Giancarlo Iannizzotto, Javier Silvestre-Blanes)
INDIN : 19th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics - Real-time and networked embedded computing and IoT technologies and applications (inv. by Gaetano Patti, Paulo Pedreiras, Reza Abrishambaf, Frank Golatowski)
WFCS : 17th IEEE International Conference on Factory Communication Systems (inv. by Leander Hörmann, Thilo Sauter, Emiliano Sisinni)
ICPS : IEEE International Conference on Industrial Cyber-physical Systems - Track ICPS Engineering
SAC : The 36th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing (inv. by Pi-Cheng Hsiu, Song Han, Jason Xue)


ETFA : 24th IEEE Conference Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation - Track 6 - Computer Vision and Human-Machine Interaction in Industrial and Factory Automation (inv. by Marco Porta)
SAC : 2nd Societal Automation Conference - Track on Communication Systems in Societal Automation (inv. by Paulo Pedreiras)
SMARTGREENS : 8th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems (inv. by Monica Saramago)


ETFA : 24th IEEE Conference Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation - Track on Computer Vision, Computational Intelligence, and Modern Heuristics in Automation (inv. by Marco Porta)
ICPS : IEEE International Conference on Industrial Cyber-physical Systems (inv. by Antonio Luque)
SMARTGREENS : 7th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems (inv. by Lucia Gomes)


RTCSA : 24th IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications - Real-Time Systems Track (inv. by Kaori Fujinami)
DIDAMATICA : 32ma DIDAttica inforMATICA (inv. by Giovanni Adorni)
ETFA : 23rd IEEE Conference Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation - Track on Computer Vision, Computational Intelligence, and Modern Heuristics in Automation (inv. by Marco Porta)
SIES : 13th IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems (inv. by Roberto Passerone, Stig Petersen)
INDIN : 16th International Conference of Industrial Informatics - Real-Time and Networked Embedded Computing Track (inv. by Luis Miguel Pinho, Dietmar Bruckner, Moris Behnam)
ICPS : 1st IEEE International Conference on Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems (inv. by A. W. Colombo, Y. Shi, J. Lastra, S. Karnouskos)
SMARTGREENS : 7th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems (inv. by Ana Guerreiro)


SOCNE : 11th Workshop on Service Oriented Architectures in Converging Networked Environments (inv. by Lucia Lo Bello, Christoph Niedermeier)
DIDAMATICA : 31ma DIDAttica inforMATICA (inv. by Michele Missikoff), Italian conference
RTCSA : 23rd IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications - IoT, CPS, and Emerging Applications Track (inv. by Luis Almeida)
DEPEND : The Tenth International Conference on Dependability (inv. by Claus-Peter Rueckemann, Pascal Lorenz)
SIES : 12th IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems (inv. by Jean-Luc Scharbarg, Richard Zurawski, Zoubir Mammeri)
ENERGY : The Seventh International Conference on Smart Grids, Green Communications and IT Energy-aware Technologies (inv. by Claus-Peter Rueckemann, Pascal Lorenz)
ETFA : 22nd IEEE Conference Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation - Track on Cyber-Physical Systems and Smart Networked Systems (inv. by Frank Golatowski, Oliver Niggeman)
SMARTGREENS : 6th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems (inv. by Ana Guerreiro)


SOCNE : 10th Workshop on Service Oriented Architectures in Converging Networked Environments (inv. by Lucia Lo Bello, Michael Ditze, Christoph Niedermeier, and Frank Golatowski)
DIDAMATICA : 30ma DIDAttica inforMATICA (inv. by Pier Luca Montessoro and Daniela Rovina), Italian conference
SIES : 11th IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems (inv. by Roman Obermaisser, Haibo Zeng)
ENERGY : The Sixth International Conference on Smart Grids, Green Communications and IT Energy-aware Technologies (inv. by Claus-Peter Rueckemann, Pascal Lorenz)


SOCNE : 9th Workshop on Service Oriented Architectures in Converging Networked Environments (inv. by Frank Golatowski, Lucia Lo Bello)
ETFA : 20th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation - Track on Real-Time and (Networked) Embedded Systems (RTNES) (inv. by Marko Bertogna, Ahlem Mifdaoui)
SIES : 10th IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems (inv. by Achim Rettberg and Marco Di Natale)
ENERGY : The Fifth International Conference on Smart Grids, Green Communications and IT Energy-aware Technologies (inv. by Constantin Paleologu and Petre Dini)


SIES WiP : 9th IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems - Work in Progress (inv. by Marco Di Natale)
ETFA : 19th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation - Track on Real-Time and (Networked) Embedded Systems (inv. by Jose L. Ayala, Thomas Nolte)
ARCS : The 27th International Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems (inv. by Wolfgang Karl, Eduardo Tovar)
SIES : 9th IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems (inv. by Giorgio Buttazzo)
ENERGY : The Fourth International Conference on Smart Grids, Green Communications and IT Energy-aware Technologies (inv. by Petre Dini)
SOCNE : 8th International Workshop on Service-Oriented Architectures in Converging Networked Environments (inv. by Lucia Lo Bello)
DIDAMATICA : 28ma DIDAttica inforMATICA (inv. by Flora Amato), Italian conference


ETFA : 18th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation - Track on Real-Time and (Networked) Embedded Systems (inv. by Marco Di Natale, Juergen Teich)
ENERGY : The Third International Conference on Smart Grids, Green Communications and IT Energy-aware Technologies (inv. by Petre Dini)
SIES : 8th IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems (inv. by Karl-Erik Årz'en, Roberto Passerone)
DIDAMATICA : 27ma DIDAttica inforMATICA (inv. by Giorgio Buttazzo), Italian conference


SIES : 7th IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems (inv. by Samarjit Chakraborty, Thomas Nolte)
ETFA : 17th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation - Track on Real-Time and (Networked) Embedded Systems (inv. by Lucia Lo Bello, Marco Di Natale)
RTAS : 18th IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (inv. by Marco Di Natale)


RTNS : 19th International Conference on Real-time and Network Systems (inv. by Alan Burns, Laurent George)
ETFA : 16th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation - Track on Real-Time and (Networked) Embedded Systems (inv. by Thomas Nolte)
SIES : 6th IEEE Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems (inv. by Roberto Passerone)
MESH : 4th International Conference on Advances in Mesh Networks (inv. by Petre Dini)
ICESS : 8th IEEE International Conference on Embedded Software and Systems IEEE (inv. by Jian-Jia Chen)
ETFA : 16th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation - WiP - Industry Practice - Workshops (inv. by Thomas Nolte)


RTNS : 18th International Conference on Real-time and Network Systems (inv. by Sanjoy Baruah, Yves Sorel)
WEA-CPS : 1st International Workshop on Energy Aware Design and Analysis of Cyber Physical Systems (inv. by Radu Dobrin)
EMC : 5th International Conference on Embedded and Multimedia Computing - Real-time systems track (inv. by Thomas Nolte)
ETFA : 15th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation - Track on Real-Time and (Networked) Embedded Systems (inv. by Thomas Nolte)
MESH : 3rd International Conference on Advances in Mesh Networks (inv. by Petre Dini)
HSI : 3rd International Conference on Human System Interaction - Special Session on Human System Interaction and Wireless Sensor Network (inv. by Lucia Lo Bello)
RTAS : 16th IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium - Wireless Sensor Network track (inv. by Hakan Aydin)


13th IBIMA Conference on Knowledge Management and Innovation in Advancing Economies (inv. by Khalid S. Soliman)
MESH : 2nd International Conference on Advances in Mesh Networks (inv. by Petre Dini)
ETFA : 14th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation - Track on Real-Time and (Networked) Embedded Systems (inv. by Thomas Nolte)
RTNS : 17th International Conference on Real-time and Network Systems (inv. by Maryline Chetto)


MESH : 1st International Conference on Advances in Mesh Networks (inv. by Petre Dini)
ETFA : 13th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation - Track on Real-Time and (Networked) Embedded System (inv. by Thomas Nolte)
RTNS : 16th International Conference on Real-time and Network Systems (inv. by Pascale Minet)


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