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Generates random text from Markov chains of tagged source text.
An example text is included which was derived from Plato's Ion:
Have you already forgotten what you were saying?
A rhapsode ought to interpret the mind of the poet.
For the rhapsode ought to interpret the mind of the poet.
For the poet is a light and winged and holy thing,
and there is Phanosthenes of Andros,
and Heraclides of Clazomenae,
whom they have also appointed
to the command of their armies and to other offices,
although aliens, after they had shown their merit.
And will they not choose Ion the Ephesian to be their general,
and honour him, if he prove himself worthy?
I recently wrote a Markov chain package which included a random text generator. The generated text is not very good.
The rest of this post covers the evolution of the main algorithm.
builds a markov chain using the top 500 post titles on HN and generates fake HN posts.
This is an example program to demonstrate the capabilities of a Golang library to build Markov models.
“Don’t think of the overwhelming majority of the impossible.”
“Grew up your bliss and the world.”
“what we would end create, creates the ground and you are the one to warm it”
“look and give up in miracles”
All the quotes above have been generated by a computer, using a program that consists of less than 20 lines of python code.