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There are countless lists on the internet claiming to be the list of must-read programming books and it seemed that all those lists always recommended that same books minus two or three odd choices.
Finding good resources for learning programming is always tricky. Every-one has its own opinion about what book is the best to learn, and as we say in french, “Color and tastes should not be argued about”.
However I though it would be interesting to trust the wisdom of the crown and to find the books that appeared the most in those “Best Programming Book” lists.
If you want to jump right on the results go take a look below at the full results. If you want to learn about the methodology, bear with me.
Thirty years ago, Cliff Stoll published The Cuckoo's Egg, a book about his cat-and-mouse game with a KGB-sponsored hacker. Today, the internet is a far darker place—and Stoll has become a cybersecurity icon.
I read this book when I was young. Still remember the atmosphere :-)
List of fiction encompassing programming/compsci concepts at deeper than surface level
The Companion Website for C++ Crash Course
Meta-data and Makefile needed to build the book. Main starting point. - SystemsApproach/book
Mastering Bitcoin is a book for developers, although the first two chapters cover bitcoin at a level that is also approachable to non-programmers. Anyone with a basic understanding of technology can read the first two chapters to get a great understanding of bitcoin.
Without question, Linux was created by brilliant programmers who employed good computer science knowledge.
Let the Linux programmers whose names you know share the books that got them started and the technology references they recommend for today's developers. How many of them have you read?
This book contains a collection of relevant data structures, algorithms, and programming tips written for University students who want to be more competitive in the ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC), high school students who are aspiring to be competitive in the International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI), coaches for these competitions, those who love problem solving using computer programs, and those who go for interviews in big IT-companies.
We started this project because a growing number of people are using Haskell to solve everyday problems. Because Haskell has its roots in academia, few of the Haskell books that currently exist focus on the problems and techniques of everyday programming that we're interested in.
With this book, we want to show you how to use functional programming and Haskell to solve realistic problems. This is a hands-on book: every chapter contains dozens of code samples, and many contain complete applications. Here are a few examples of the libraries, techniques and tools that we'll show you how to develop.
This book presents a unified treatment of many different kinds of planning algorithms. The subject lies at the crossroads between robotics, control theory, artificial intelligence, algorithms, and computer graphics. The particular subjects covered include motion planning, discrete planning, planning under uncertainty, sensor-based planning, visibility, decision-theoretic planning, game theory, information spaces, reinforcement learning, nonlinear systems, trajectory planning, nonholonomic planning, and kinodynamic planning.
Il più importante saggio sulla NSA, la più segreta, la più finanziata e la più tecnologicamente avanzata fra le agenzie degli Stati Uniti e del mondo intero. In un'epoca di radicale globalizzazione degli interessi e dei conflitti, l'intelligence gathering, la raccolta di informazioni riservate o segrete, è un compito cruciale per l'unica superpotenza rimasta. La NSA ha proprio il compito di controllare tutte le comunicazioni del globo, gestire una costellazione di postazioni d'ascolto sparse nei quattro angoli del pianeta e condurre la caccia ai principali ricercati della CIA e dell'FBI. Ne L'orecchio di Dio James Bamford, esperto di questioni relative ai servizi segreti, descrive la struttura interna e le missioni affidate alla NSA, aprendo al lettore le stanze più segrete e impenetrabili del mondo. Il risultato è un appassionante e documentatissimo affresco, i cui elementi sono uomini di potere senza scrupoli, organizzazioni criminali e sovversive, operazioni clandestine al limite della legalità, apparecchiature dalle potenzialità tecniche quasi inimmaginabili. Il lettore può così conoscere i dettagli meno noti di vicende che vanno dalla fine della seconda guerra mondiale ai conflitti arabo-israeliani, dalla guerra del Vietnam al lungo confronto con la minaccia nordcoreana, per finire con la difficile e controversa lotta contro il terrorismo internazionale.
Several example files in C.
Libro Game Creator o LGC è un software per la scrittura di testi interattivi o “narrativi a bivi”. LGC ne permette l’editing, la connessione tra i paragrafi, l’esportazione in vari formati tra i quali HTML ed RTF (con link attivi), la creazione dei grafici di connessione del libro game e altro ancora.