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Enjoy the mysteries of the sea from the safety of your own terminal!
Type words that are flying by from left to right as fast as you can; features different word sets, e.g., UNIX commands, English words, Non-English words.
Single player rogue-like dungeon exploration game; I am currently addicted to Pixel Dungeon and its derivatives (Android apps), thus I find nethack a little bit too graphically poor.
A Minesweeper clone for the terminal which allows you to configure settings such as table rows and columns up to 1024x1024!), percentage of bombs, colors and also has a highscores table.
A fantasy game using ASCII art graphical representation of the game environment; it features a rich environment with many options and possibilities.
implements the classical Tetris but with a logic to generate the next block which maximizes the difficulty for the player.
Curses front-end for Remind written in OCaml with vertically scrollable time table.
A comand line interface to manage hierarchical todos. Each task has a title, a long text description, a deadline (tudu warns you when the date is close), and a scheduled date. There are categories and priorities.
A minimal clone of Wunderlist, with 30% of its features. GTD oriented. It stores the task list in a hidden JSON file in the home directory, making it easy to backup or share them.
Minimalistic todo manager that uses a simple plain text file to keep track of items; implemented as a shell script.
Todo manager with advanced features; dedicated synchronization server available; many plugins and related tools; healthy software project.
Calendar program for Unix/Linux systems that can keep track of events; custom, plain text storage format; interesting and fully functional.
Project-based todo manager: every task must be specified with a mandatory project indication. Tasks are stored within a SQLlite DB. Written in Python.
A fully-featured task manager encapsulated within a Python script (just carry around the script to retain all the TODOs). When the script is run, a Python shell is opened, where task-related commands can be entered (ADD, LIST, etc.); a pity that commands are uppercase, which requires the annoying use of the Shift key.
Console carddav client written in Python.
is free software made out of other free software. It is built on top of Ruby and Git, and the completely free vcard address book format."
CLI and terminal calendar program, able to synchronize with CalDAV servers through vdirsyncer.
CLI program to access Google Calendars; allows to do the main tasks: create, delete, and list events.
termsaver to enjoy fancy ASCII screensavers like matrix, clock, starwars, and a couple of not-safe-for-work screens.
Stack overflow command line client written in Python. Search and browse stack overflow without leaving the terminal.