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Data structure and algorithms are core part of any Programming job interview. It doesn't matter whether you are a C++ developer, a Java developer or a Web developer working in JavaScript, Angular, React, or Query. As a computer science graduate, its expected from a programmer to have strong knowledge of both basic data structures e.g. array, linked list, binary tree, hash table, stack, queue and advanced data structures like the binary heap, trie, self-balanced tree, circular buffer etc. I have taken a lot of Java interviews for both junior and senior positions in the past, and I have been also involved in interviewing C++ developer. One difference which I have clearly noticed between a C++ and a Java developer is their understanding and command of Data structure and algorithms.
On average, a C or C++ developer showed a better understanding and application of data structure and their coding skill was also better than Java developers. This is not a coincidence though. As per my experience, there is a direct correlation between a programmer having a good command of the algorithm also happens to be a good developer and coder.
I firmly believe that interview teaches you a lot in very short time and that's why I am sharing some frequently asked Data structure and algorithm questions from various Java interviews.
If you are familiar with them than try to solve them by hand and if you do not then learn about them first, and then solve them. If you need to refresh your knowledge of data structure and algorithms then you can also take help from a good book our course like Data Structures and Algorithms: Deep Dive Using Java for quick reference.