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Scooter is an interactive find-and-replace terminal UI app.
Search with either a fixed string or a regular expression, enter a replacement, and interactively toggle which instances you want to replace. You can also specify a regex pattern for the file paths you want to search.
w2vgrep is a command-line tool that performs semantic searches on text input using word embeddings. It's designed to find semantically similar matches to the query, going beyond simple string matching. Supports multiple languages. The experience is designed to be similar to grep.
percol is an interactive grep tool in your terminal. percol
- receives input lines from stdin or a file,
- lists up the input lines,
- waits for your input that filter/select the line(s),
- and finally outputs the selected line(s) to stdout.
Since percol just filters the input and output the result to stdout, it can be used in command-chains with | in your shell (UNIX philosophy!).