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Box Plus/Minus (BPM) is a box score-based metric for evaluating basketball players' quality and contribution to the team. It is the latest version of a stat previously called Advanced Statistical Plus/Minus; it is NOT a version of Adjusted Plus/Minus, which is a play-by-play regression metric.
- GP: Games Played
- MPG: Minutes Per Game
- ORPM: Player's estimated on-court impact on team offensive performance, measured in points scored per 100 offensive possessions
- DRPM: Player's estimated on-court impact on team defensive performance, measured in points allowed per 100 defensive possessions
- RPM: Player's estimated on-court impact on team performance, measured in net point differential per 100 offensive and defensive possessions. RPM takes into account teammates, opponents and additional factors
- WAR: The estimated number of team wins attributable to each player, based on RPM