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A powerful and easy to use console audio player; user interface a la Midnight Commander; plenty of features; fully controllable from the keyboard.
Image source: Wikipedia
A fast and lightweight audio player with configurable keybindings and playlist support.
Featureful ncurses based MPD client inspired by ncmpc. Relevant features: tag editor, playlist editor, easy to use search engine, media library, music visualizer, ability to fetch artist info from last.fm, new display mode, alternative user interface, ability to browse and add files from outside of MPD music directory.
Main features:
- tag editor
- playlist editor
- easy to use search engine
- media library
- music visualizer
- ability to fetch artist info from last.fm
- new display mode
- alternative user interface
- ability to browse and add files from outside of MPD music directory
A simple CLI tool to capture screenshots.
CLI based audio visualizer.
Command line visualizer. Supports mpd, with experimental support for alsa and pulseaudio.
cli-visualizer is a command-line visualizer. Music visualization generates animated imagery based on a piece of music. Free and open source software.
Command-line cloud music player for Linux that supports Spotify, Google Play Music, YouTube, SoundCloud, and Dirble.
License music from the only royalty free audio library dedicated to retro music.
PyRadio is a command line internet radio player written in the Python programming language. There's support for playlists, and uses popular media players.
Great "modern" blues sound.
The legend states that the devil himself approached Buckethead with a wager. The legend never tells what Buckethead got, but the devil got guitar lessons. (Scoobert Doobert)
An interactive music theory dashboard for guitarists including a circle of fifths.