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PCA is a linear dimensionality reduction technique. Many non-linear dimensionality reduction techniques exist, but linear methods are more mature, if more limited.
All Algorithms implemented in Python.
information theory, linguistics and computer science, the Levenshtein distance is a string metric for measuring the difference between two sequences. Informally, the Levenshtein distance between two words is the minimum number of single-character edits (insertions, deletions or substitutions) required to change one word into the other.
The images allow to easily, visually take in what a sorting algorithm did over time, as it took the list from an unsorted, random state to a completely sorted state. On the horizontal axis, we have a list of numbers, represented as a single line of colors. On the vertical axis, there is time. From the top of the image to the bottom of the image, there is the list of numbers (the line of colored pixels) from a random ordering to a “sorted” rainbow line, by applying each kind of sorting algorithm one step per row.
Solution for the Range Minimum Query problem with Sparse Tables and Dynamic Programming.
In this post we’ll explore how we can derive logistic regression from Bayes’ Theorem. Starting with Bayes’ Theorem we’ll work our way to computing the log odds of our problem and the arrive at the inverse logit function. After reading this post you’ll have a much stronger intuition for how logistic
Daniel J. Bernstein, Bo-Yin Yang. "Fast constant-time gcd computation and modular inversion."
A new proof with important implications for game theory shows that no algorithm can possibly determine the winner.
This is the 4th post in a series about migrating to functional programming. This week, I'll first implement the Dijkstra algorithm, then migrate the code to a more functional-friendly design. Dijkstra's algorithm allows to find the shortest path in any graph, weighted or not, directed or not. The only requirement is that weights must be positive.
Data structure and algorithms are core part of any Programming job interview. It doesn't matter whether you are a C++ developer, a Java developer or a Web developer working in JavaScript, Angular, React, or Query. As a computer science graduate, its expected from a programmer to have strong knowledge of both basic data structures e.g. array, linked list, binary tree, hash table, stack, queue and advanced data structures like the binary heap, trie, self-balanced tree, circular buffer etc. I have taken a lot of Java interviews for both junior and senior positions in the past, and I have been also involved in interviewing C++ developer. One difference which I have clearly noticed between a C++ and a Java developer is their understanding and command of Data structure and algorithms.
On average, a C or C++ developer showed a better understanding and application of data structure and their coding skill was also better than Java developers. This is not a coincidence though. As per my experience, there is a direct correlation between a programmer having a good command of the algorithm also happens to be a good developer and coder.
I firmly believe that interview teaches you a lot in very short time and that's why I am sharing some frequently asked Data structure and algorithm questions from various Java interviews.
If you are familiar with them than try to solve them by hand and if you do not then learn about them first, and then solve them. If you need to refresh your knowledge of data structure and algorithms then you can also take help from a good book our course like Data Structures and Algorithms: Deep Dive Using Java for quick reference.
A curated list of awesome Competitive Programming, Algorithm and Data Structure resources.
A library of common data structures and algorithms written in C.
In “The Danger of Naïvete,” Jeff Atwood explains that the reason the naive shuffle algorithm is biased (and fundamentally broken) is because it overshuffles the cards in the deck by selecting each card’s swap from the entire deck every time. This means that some cards are getting moved multiple times!
The image shows naive shuffle vs. Fisher-Yates shuffle, 1 million tries on a 6-item set. On the X axis there are the different possible final combinations, while the Y axis reports the count for each combination.
The Fibonacci numbers are the sequence 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, ..., and satisfy the recurrence F(n) = F(n – 1) + F(n – 2).
They also have a beautiful formula.
My favorite derivation of this formula entirely avoids algebraic manipulation.
In their hearts, computers are sequential beasts. Their power comes from being able to break down the largest tasks into tiny steps that can be performed one after another. Often, though, our users need to see things occur in a single instantaneous step or see multiple tasks performed simultaneously.
A typical example, and one that every game engine must address, is rendering. When the game draws the world the users see, it does so one piece at a time — the mountains in the distance, the rolling hills, the trees, each in its turn. If the user watched the view draw incrementally like that, the illusion of a coherent world would be shattered. The scene must update smoothly and quickly, displaying a series of complete frames, each appearing instantly.
Double buffering solves this problem, but to understand how, we first need to review how a computer displays graphics.
Line-breaking algorithms take a paragraph's-worth of words, and split the words into line-lengthed chunks. The two algorithms many programmer's know of are:
- The greedy algorithm; and,
- The Knuth-Plass algorithm (the 'latex one').
Most programmers "know" the following three facts:
- Knuth-Plass produces the 'best' line breaks;
- Knuth-Plass is a quadratic algorithm; and,
- Knuth-Plass uses dynamic programming and is impossible for mere mortals to code.
While we happen to agree with (1), we will demonstrate that (2) and (3) are, respectively, not true, and unnecessarily obscure. In fact, the Knuth-Plass algorithm---even in its most naive implementation---is strongly dominated by a light-weight linear run-time, and the implementation of the core algorithm is remarkably straightforward.