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Mathematicians regard the Collatz conjecture as a quagmire and warn each other to stay away. But now Terence Tao has made more progress than anyone in decades.
Elevating the business model with aspects like digital transformation, automation, large data collection, IoT and many more advantages of Industry 4.0
Selecting a machine learning algorithm for a predictive modeling problem involves evaluating many different models and model configurations using k-fold cross-validation. The super learner is an ensemble machine learning algorithm that combines all of the models and model configurations that you might investigate for a predictive modeling problem and uses them to make a prediction.
The aim of this article is to provide a series of good general advice and considerations on how to design and write libraries, particularly if portability, ease of use and performance are of concern.
The word "game" is in parentheses since most of the advice also applies to non-game libraries.
When we announced Kotlin as a supported language for Android, there was a tremendous amount of excitement among developers. Since then, there has been a steady increase in the number of developers using Kotlin. Today, we’re proud to say nearly 60% of the top 1,000 Android apps contain Kotlin code, with more and more Android developers introducing safer and more concise code using Kotlin.
The original system study, the key innovations, and the forgotten heroes of the world’s first — and still greatest — global navigation satellite system. True history, told by the people who made it.
PYAUTOGUI is an automation module provided by Python for controlling keyboard and mouse functions via program. This module has almost all the functions which can be performed by keyboard and mouse. We can use these functions to automate mouse and keyboard actions.
si78c is a memory accurate reimplementation of the 1978 arcade game Space Invaders in C.
It requires the original arcade ROM to function to load various sprites and other data, but does not use the original game code.
It is not an emulation, but rather a restoration.
Here are some tricks for using SSH through a proxy or bastion quickly.
Artificial intelligence bots have achieved superhuman results in zero-sum games such as chess, Go, and poker, in which each player tries to defeat the others. However, just like humans, real-world AI systems must learn to coordinate in cooperative environments as well.
To advance research on AI that can understand other points of view and collaborate effectively, Facebook AI has developed a bot that sets a new state of the art in Hanabi, a card game in which all players work together. Our bot not only improves upon previous AI systems but also exceeds the performance of elite human players, as judged by experienced players who have evaluated it.
I’ve been using tmux for about six months now and it has become just as essential to my workflow as vim. Pane and window management, copy-mode for navigating output, and session management make it a no-brainer for those who live in the terminal (and especially vim). I’ve compiled a list of tmux commands I use daily to help me work more efficiently.
Measures to prevent record linking & privacy leaks.
Your laptop is way more powerful than you think. Unleash its full potential with the Vaex dataframe library.
Open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first.
Typically, you would connect to your server with an SSH client like PuTTY and after logging in you are dropped into a shell like Bash where you can enter commands and interact with the operating system. For most purposes, this simple setup suffices. However, in certain scenarios, you may need, or at least benefit, from expanding the capabilities of such a session with a terminal multiplexer like tmux. Just like the operating system running on your phone or computer can execute and display, side by side, multiple applications on its graphical user interface, so can tmux do with text-based programs and shell sessions.
A curated list of reasons to stop using Facebook and how to do it.
This article will provide the reader with a brief overview for a number of different Linux commands. A special emphasis will be placed on explaining how each command can be used in the context of performing data science tasks. The goal will be to convince the reader that each of these commands can be extremely useful, and to allow them to understand what role each command can play when manipulating or analyzing data.
We are living in a global knowledge economy. People who might never meet face-to-face are working together daily through the internet. Knowledge work is becoming more accessible for people everywhere in the world, and technology talent is no longer exclusive to Silicon Valley.
We created this guide to help more people join the internet economy, and gain flexibility and independence in their work life. This guide is based off of our experience originally as remote workers ourselves, and now as a 100% remote team. This encyclopedia is open source, and we hope that the whole remote community will contribute to make it better over time.
Whether you’re looking for a more flexible way to work as a maker, or to build an amazing remote team - this guide will help you get started, stay productive, and build a better future of work.
How to run an internet speed test from the Linux command line. We examine two tools that both use the speedtest.net service to test your connection speeds.