youtube-dl - Download videos from video sites

youtube-dl is a command-line program to download videos from and other video sites.

The program allows to retrieve a video file in mp4 or other formats, by downloading it from video hosting sites aush as YouTube. It is currently the most effective tool to obtain a local copy of a video stored in popular video sites.

youtube-dl takes an URL as a parameter, and manages to download the corresponding video from the site. It features an extensive list of options to customize the download, including video selection options, file format, authentication options and post-processing effects.

Since many video sites do not like the possibility to download their content, the project has been constantly opposed during the years, until the takedown from the GiHub platform based on the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA).

It was then proved that youtube-dl is "only" a downloader, and it can not be made accountable for the download of copyrighted material appearing on the sites.

But, beware: I am not a lawyer, thus my explanation may not be 100% accurate. A detailed explanation is provided by the youtube-dl crew.
