ncdu - NCurses Disk Usage

ncdu is a disk usage analyzer with an NCurses interface. It is designed to find out which directories and files are using more space on a hard disk.

ncdu, whose name is the acronym of NCurses Disk Usage, is a TUI program designed to work well on remote servers, where an entire graphical setup may not be available.

The interface of ncdu is clean and very focused to the main targeted tasks: discover how the space is organized into the various files and directories, with the possibility to navigate in and out the directories, so that exploring the file-system becomes straightforward.

The available keybindings are shown in the following figure. The figure makes it clear some additional features of the program, such as the possibility to sort the items using different criteria, and the option to delete an item in order to reclaim the corresponding space.

An example of usage of the program is reported in the following Asciicast.
