robolab @ unipv

Laboratorio di Robotica - Università degli Studi di Pavia


We are a research group at the Università degli Studi di Pavia Department of Electrical, Computer and Biomedical Engineering

The Robotics Laboratory is part of the Dept. of Industrial, Computer and Biomedical Engineering at the University of Pavia. Since 2007, the research activities are coordinated by Tullio Facchinetti, Assistant Professor in Computer Science. It currently enrolles 4 PhD students and 1 PhD. More than 110 students have been graduated since 2008 working or collaborating with the Laboratory. Research interests and know-how are available in the domain of mobile robots, including drones and wheeled units, embedded systems, software development, algorithms and signal analysis, mobile applications for smartphones, 3D printing, and energy efficiency in the domain of building automation, the smart grid, and electric vehicles. Past and current activities include publicly funded project, such as the LUMENTILE H2020 project and the ARTIST-Design EU Network of Excellence in Embedded Systems. Moreover, several privately funded projects included the engineering of a water generation equipment, the development of an autonomous robot for the exploration of air ducts, and the engineering of an energy storage system based on compressed air.