Daily Shaarli

All links of one day in a single page.



A framework for elegantly configuring complex applications.

Artificial Intelligence: What’s to Fear?

What should worry us most about artificial intelligence: losing our jobs to cheaper labor or losing our lives to killer robots? The real threat may lie in yet another danger: losing our minds.

WindTerm | New generation terminal emulator

Interesting project, but... no source code and license terms that suggest a plain commercial view.

I just wonder why these kind of projects are released on GitHub...

Getting Things Done (GTD) Method and 14 Best GTD Apps & Tools

Wondering what the Getting Things Done (GTD) method is and how to implement it? We explore GTD by David Allen and rank the 14 best GTD apps.

How Photos of Your Kids Are Powering Surveillance Technology

Millions of Flickr images were sucked into a database called MegaFace. Now some of those faces may have the ability to sue.

schedviz | A tool for gathering and visualizing kernel scheduling traces on Linux machines

SchedViz is a tool for gathering and visualizing kernel scheduling traces on Linux machines. It helps to:

  • quantify task starvation due to round-robin queueing,
  • identify primary antagonists stealing work from critical threads,
  • determine when core allocation choices yield unnecessary waiting,
  • evaluate different scheduling policies,
  • and much more.